Me vs. The World
Since last year, Covid 19 changes everyone’s life 180 degrees. Unemployment statistic around the world has increased as a result. Since vaccination is slowly being made available in different parts of the world, people will slowly begin to build their new life after the long ordeal. Many people are quite apprehensive about the future and unsure if they will be able to find employment or whether their businesses will run again.
Below are two different mindsets that people have during this time. Some are uncertain and fearful, whilst others are more optimistic. Which one do you relate with:
Insecure mindset:
☐ I know many people who have lost their jobs, so what will happen when everyone will look for a job at the same time?
☐ Is there going to be enough jobs for everyone?
☐ What if I don’t get employed?
☐ Everything is looking so dark.
☐ I have trouble trusting anyone.
☐ How will I afford to live my life?
☐ I’m afraid this is not going to work, the future looks grim.
Optimistic mindset
☐ Behind every struggle, lies an opportunity.
☐ I can learn more because I have more time now. It is the best moment to build life even if it’s from scratch.
☐ There will be a lot of competition ahead, however I believe in myself.
☐ As long as I continue to take care of my body and mind everything will be ok.
☐ As difficult as my situation is, I have faith that something will come up.
☐ I could create my own business.
☐ I could do some volunteering work during these hard times.
☐ I have people who care and love me.
People react to the environment in different ways. Some adapt and are resilient whilst others struggle to do the same.
There are solutions and improved strategies to cope and navigate through life whatever comes your way. Speaking with friends that are a positive source of inspiration, exercising, being creative (e.g. writing a story or preparing a project), learning about yoga and meditation, are all simple and yet powerfully constructive strategies. If however you really feel like you are struggling, you can reach out and speak with a qualified psychotherapist. Online consultations are as effective as in person.
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