Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

Without a healthy body our mind can’t function properly. There’s a strong interaction between the two. When you’re sick and low on energy, not only will your mental health suffer but also your productivity. 

There are ways to encourage an improved flow in our mind & body connection

Activities to improve your physical and mental health

☐ Exercise and workouts, including mind & body strengthening techniques like meditation and yoga can promote physical health, longevity and a healthy mind. For example, a Harvard study that a mind-body course that incorporates meditation and yoga showed a 50% reduction in stress levels (1) 

☐ Nourish your body in a healthy way. A healthy diet that includes a lot of organic and fresh foods is an important part of staying healthy. Reducing highly processed meals and snacks and replacing them with healthier options is also desirable

☐ Enough quality sleep is important for our mental and physical health. A lack of sleep causes for example low energy levels and higher cortisol

☐ Practice your creativity like playing music, painting, dancing, singing, etc. These activities improve brain plasticity, mental and physical health

☐ Connect to people around you, maintain good relationships

Of course the connection works both ways and mental or emotional stress undoubtedly has negative effects on our body, for example our cortisol levels will be high, our muscles more tense, we might experience heart palpitations and all sorts of other symptoms.

Our physical health also has an effect on our mindset and the way we think about ourselves. If our health is poor, we might suffer from lower self esteem, we may be more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, have less hope for our future and we likely can’t cope as well with stress.

Starting out with healthy practices like meditation or yoga doesn’t necessarily have to be very time consuming. As little as 10 minutes a day will show positive effects which will surely increase over time if you’re able to incorporate more techniques into your daily routine.

If however you really feel like you are struggling, you can reach out and speak with a qualified psychotherapist. Online consultations are as effective as in person.

You can contact me for more information:



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