Healing Your Inner Child

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What is an inner child? Inner child refers to your unconscious mind that has held onto all the coping mechanisms, beliefs, repressed memories and feelings you experienced and learned during your childhood.

Not everyone associates their childhood with playfulness and fun. Relationships with parents or other caregivers aren’t always as warm, open, and nurturing as they should be. If you experienced emotional pain, neglect  or trauma, your inner child might feel vulnerable, small and in need of protection. Some of the baggage we carry from our childhood can be difficult to shake. We tend to hide our pain but that doesn’t heal, it rather re-surfaces later in life, leading to difficulties in our relationships and to emotional issues.

How to heal your inner child?

☐ Identify what you wish you’d had, or had more of, as a child.

☐ Sit with any emotions that come up.

☐ Acknowledge self-sabotaging patterns that still linger from childhood.

☐ Give yourself today the things you wish others had given you in childhood.

How to connect with your inner child?

This can sometimes be difficult but sometimes not.

☐ Be patient and kind to yourself. 

☐ Try to say nurturing words to yourself such as I love you, I hear you, I’m sorry, thank you, I am here for you.

Remember that your inner child self is allowed to come out and play sometimes.

If however you really feel like you are struggling, you can reach out and speak with a qualified psychotherapist. Online consultations are as effective as in person.

You can contact me for more information: admin@alfordjeremy.com


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