Jeremy Alford Jeremy Alford

Overcoming Anticipatory Trauma: Practical Strategies for Healing

The experience of anticipatory trauma can be overwhelming and have long-term mental health impacts. However, with mindful approaches and strategic interventions, individuals can regain control and reduce their emotional burden. In this blog, several practical strategies are proposed that you may find can help you in overcoming anticipatory trauma. 

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Jeremy Alford Jeremy Alford

Grounding Exercise to Help Relieve Trauma

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Peter Levine to address trauma and stress-related disorders. It focuses on the body's innate ability to heal and aims to release stored tension and restore balance. Here's a simple SE exercise that can help relieve trauma:

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Jeremy Alford Jeremy Alford

Understanding and Addressing Intergenerational Trauma

Intergenerational trauma occurs when the effects of a traumatic event experienced by one generation are passed down to subsequent generations. This can happen through various channels, including genetic inheritance, learned behaviors, and the emotional environment in which children are raised. Examples include families affected by war, genocide, slavery, systemic racism, and domestic violence.

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Jeremy Alford Jeremy Alford

Embracing Compassion: A Guide to Healing Trauma

Navigating the complexities of trauma can feel daunting, adopting a compassionate mindset can pave the way for profound healing and growth. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of compassion in trauma work and introduce a helpful exercise to cultivate this mindset.

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