Why poor mental health doesn’t discriminate


Up until fairly recently there was a stigma around poor mental health-that it was only something that affected a small percentage of the population, those who were more susceptible to changes in emotion, those influenced in a negative way by the media or those who had experienced extreme hardships in life

Whilst it is true that poor mental health can affect this demographic, to pigeon hole poor mental health in such a way is counterproductive. The truth is that we are all susceptible to anxiety, depression, stress, and unhealthy relationships with food, burnout and other such issues. Unfortunately, because of the stigma surrounding these factors many people suffer in silence, fearing there is something wrong with them because they are struggling to cope or that they are failing as a human being for experiencing poor mental health in the first place.

Thankfully this outdated attitude is changing. More and more people are speaking out about their own battles with poor mental health and the spectrum has never been wider. People of all ages, races. gender and economic status are bravely opening up and telling their stories, encouraging others to do so and seek the help they need to recover. Recently Men’s Mental Health Week highlighted the need for the male gender to speak out more about poor mental health. With 3 out of 4 suicides carried out by men it is a crisis that needs addressing and several campaigns have raised awareness on the importance of speaking out and seeking treatment. Several high-profile cases in the media have also shone a spotlight on the fact poor mental health effects even those who on the surface ‘have it all’- it does not discriminate against those who have money, or fame or popularity. Sometimes the person who needs the most help may be the person you least expect- perhaps they are the joker, the planner, the person who you look up to because they seem to have it all together. And this is so often the problem- the need to appear like everything is ok, to present the façade of the perfect life, to take on too much… these factors all lead to our metal health suffering. So often a smile can hide the truth of what is really going on behind closed doors.

But you don’t have to suffer in silence. Our Choices Personalized retreats program can help you. Just like poor mental health doesn’t discriminate regardless of age, race, gender etc. we don’t discriminate on whom our help is available too. We don’t believe in pigeon holing poor mental health issues, nor do we prioritize one person’s struggles over another. Instead we believe that everyone has the right- and should- seek the treatment they need to address their struggles and find the happiness and contentment they deserve. A key process of achieving this is learning how to be mindful and listen to our bodies- but also accepting who we are. There is nothing wrong with us because we are experiencing mental health problems- it is just part of who we are. Mental illness may not care who you are but we do. At Choices Retreat we are here to listen to your story and aid you on your journey.

Because you will only speak out if there is someone there to listen, support and guide you. We can be that person.

If you would like to find out more on how Choices Personalized retreats can help you, visit our website here.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & Mindfulness Workshop


Flexibility of thought.