What goal do you think humanity is not focused enough on achieving?
“...it is through our own individual healing that we can thrive and no longer be led by pain, fear, nor cycles of traumas..”
In my opinion, our human selves have so much potential for establishing and creating peace within and between ourselves on earth in addition to having a harmonious symbiotic relationship with nature and the planet. This sounds like an idealistic opinion, however the logical potential is there. I wouldn’t pretend to know what the way would be since there are so many variables at play; and I do not think that there is one solution nor ‘the’ absolute solution either.
Humanity as a whole would have to focus on various aspects depending on where each human happens to be in their personal development and capacity, as opposed to focusing on one thing for all humanity such as for example ‘Mindfulness for all today’. We could assume that if humanity focused on achieving more Mindfulness, that it would certainly have a positive, calming and beneficial impact, however, not every human is willing to understand the importance of, nor be willing to practice Mindfulness today although we can assume that every human has the ability to.
Being willing is a key word here because without will, or intention, nothing will happen.
There is also a difference between understanding something, knowing something, practicing something and being something.
However without the will to understand, one cannot know and without practicing what one knows one cannot ‘be’, (as in a new learned automatic part of us), and one cannot ‘be’ without awareness of the power of will or desire or intention to want to understand.
I would still certainly say that Mindfulness is something humanity could focus more on, as much as individual awareness, tolerance, compassion, interpersonal relationships, acceptance, connection with animals, connection with nature, elevating our emotional and mental intelligence, uniting instead of dividing, embracing instead of fearing, empowering instead of dictating and amongst all else: healing. Because it is through our own individual healing that we can thrive and no longer be led by pain, fear, nor cycles of traumas but instead be more emotionally aware and steer ourselves in a more wholesome direction.