What if everything was precisely the same


The Fibonacci sequence shows up in many places in nature like the shell of the nautilus.

However, it can also be seen in trees, waves, petals, fruits like pineapple etc. Although the shape shows visual resemblance to that of what is known as the golden ratio or PHI, 1.618. The ratio of the numbers in the sequence spiral into infinity. Also known as the golden spiral or the logarithmic spiral. Like pi, PHI is an irrational number, however, for many, this Fibonacci sequence has often been associated with a divine or spiritual explanation and connection to the origin of life and the universe. It is a topic of debate in which mathematicians will clearly state that it is wishful thinking because there is a clear deviation when comparing the proportions of the spiral from that of for eg. a nautilus and the proportions of the actual golden ratio (1.618).

Even though the nautilus spiral can exhibit dimensions whose proportions come close to phi for eg. 1.572, 1.607, 1.622, they are not precisely 1.618 at every turn in each spiral. And every nautilus you find on a beach will have different spiral proportions that may not be exactly as what constitutes a golden spiral; nonetheless, it still is a fascinating observation especially if we question what if everything was precisely the same, all equal to 1.618 (the golden ratio), then wouldn’t everything be exactly the same? What if this slight deviation in nature allows difference and therefore ‘precise uniqueness’?

Such topic can help put things in our own lives into perspective, especially if we happen to be really hard with ourself, always thinking that we should be some idea of ‘perfect’. Instead, how about allowing oneself to have a little flexibility of thought, in order to allow for the slight deviation, to accept and embrace one’s uniqueness...


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