Be Emotionally Free!

Emotional freedom teaches you how to be aware of your own emotions and not letting it drive you.

Mental health issues are becoming approachable these days. The reason is because people are getting more aware of themselves. Especially since the Covid period, you will read more and more cases about people's stressed levels rising, couples getting divorce, and even domestic violence cases being more common. Yes, our daily life is full of emotional challenges. That is why it is important for us to be emotionally free. 

Emotional freedom teaches you how to be aware of your own emotions and not letting it drive you. This act of taking control of your emotions means accepting our limitations, giving self-love during tough times, and forgiving yourself for being unable to control some situations. It is like learning how to love the imperfections, cultivating positive emotions and compassionately witnessing and transforming negative ones, these are emotional freedom.

So why do you think being emotionally free is important? 

We can’t avoid some up and down events that happen in our life. During those emotionally difficult times, your body’s immune system is getting weakened too. This is because you are gradually not being able to take care of your own body properly. You might also face these signs when you have poor emotional health: 

☐ Some general aches and pains also headaches, back pain, chest pain.  

☐ Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation.    

☐ Shortness of breath, sweating, palpitations, extreme tiredness. 

☐ Or even insomnia, sexual problems, and weight gain or loss.  

To the extreme, you might fall into depression that leads to some dangerous behaviour such as getting addicted to drugs or alcohol.

What can you do to be emotionally free?

First thing that you need to do to be emotionally free is to be honest and acknowledge your feelings or emotions. By being aware of your feelings, you can then sort out the causes. It will make things easier for you to maintain your emotional health. Here are some tips: 

☐  Be gentle to yourself. Try to express your feeling in appropriate ways. 

☐ Be thankful for good things that happens instead be in despair over bad things. Try to live a balanced life. Making a journal of your feeling will helps.  

☐  Be resilient. 

☐ Be patience when things go wrong. Relaxation or meditation will help you calm your mind and body. 

☐  Love yourself more. Taking care of your body is important to have good emotional health. Paying attention to what your body needs, like eating healthy foods, having enough sleep, and doing some exercises are simple things that you can do to show love to yourself.   

If your negative feelings don’t go away, you may consider reaching out to a psychotherapist. Online consultations are as effective as in person.

You can contact me for more information:


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