The journey of transformation and empowered health seminar – Bali


Last Sunday (13 October) Dr Alford alongside a leading panel of wellness experts, provided an insight into the science behind the journey of transformation and empowered health at the Tropical Coworking space in Canggu, Bali.

The session, organised on behalf of Health Hub Bali, included a Q&A session featuring Dr Alford and other doctors and practitioners who offered advice to participants on how to feel empowered, make positive, lifestyle changes and take personal responsibility for their health.

Driven by evidence-based practice and cutting edge technologies, the session also addressed the knowledge and awareness participants need to tackle mental health issues such as stress, fatigue and chronic illness. By taking aspects of western medicine and combining them with the healing approach central to eastern practices, a more optimum health can be reached. Experiential sessions were held by different practitioners which focused on prevention and life elevation. These dynamic sessions demonstrated that healing works best when several wellness elements are integrated and that the different methods suggested by each practitioner complement each other in the healing, thriving and elevating process.

The 1-Day seminar was a fantastic opportunity to educate and inspire those looking for better health but also connect wellness professionals and allow them to introduce their area of expertise. Dr Alford provided an overview of his 20 years of experience and personal approach to mental health which includes healing and transformation using an eclectic CBT & mindfulness approach. He also spoke about the journey towards optimal living and recovery, and how learning healing techniques as part of an intensive program has proven to be more productive towards continued growth.

The aim of Health Hub Bali for the seminar was to connect all individuals- both participants and practitioners- to better health and share the diversity Bali has to offer. The advice from the functional and lifestyle medicine experts alongside the health transformation modalities exploration sessions, proved to be both insightful and dynamic in the approach to modern-day health care.

For more information about Dr Alford’s approach to healing, visit the Choices Personalised Retreats website.

You can also read more about Health Hub Bali here:


Ask these 5 wellness questions to determine if you need a mental health break


Health Practitioners panel in Canggu, Bali – Saturday 12th October