PETS: Unconditional Love

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We live in world full of different species of animals. Some of which have been harnessed into pets for thousands of years. It is still unclear which animal was the first pet, however some say that dogs were the first. Gregor Larsen, director of the University of Oxford, palaeogenomics and bio-archeology research network, whose main focus is on uncovering the origin of dogs found evidence that appears to suggest that the domestication of dogs happened twice from two different lineages of wolves: “-once in Europe about 16,000 years ago and then again in Asia some 14,000 years ago-”. Other researchers seem to think based on other findings that it might have been even earlier i.e. 32,000 years ago and cats, some 12,000 years ago. What is safe to assume is that our relation with ‘pets’ (a term that was used in the 1500’s) date back a very long time. What we do know today however is that the bond between pets and people have many health and therapeutic benefits.

Did you know that: “One theory is that pets boost our oxytocin levels. Also known as the "bonding hormone" or "cuddle chemical," oxytocin enhances social skills, decreases blood pressure and heart rate, boosts immune function and raises tolerance for pain. It also lowers stress, anger, and depression.” (

People have different pets. Not only dogs and cats. Some have birds, fish, rabbits, chickens, snakes, pigs even tigers!

Here are a few benefits of having a dog or a cat as a pet:

☐ Unconditional love and companionship.

☐ Can lower blood pressure, slow breathing and relax muscle tension.

☐ Can help cope with difficult moments or even help in the aftermath of a trauma.

☐ Can encourage you to move, by either going out for a walk and getting them food and preparing their meal.

☐ Can make you more attractive, likeable and can help create new social connections.

☐ Can make us feel better about ourselves, lift our mood up and make us feel less anxious.

☐ They can guide us, show us the way, protect us as well as help us heal.

An Unconditional and Mutual Relationship.

Pets won’t judge us. They keep us company, and they encourage us to live a more active and happy life. The thought of being needed and loved is the best medicine for anyone. And for those who have cats, their purr can calm our nervous system down.

What we must remember is that all animals have feelings and just like us want to be respected, loved and cared for. We live together on this planet, even if we do consider ourselves to be the superior specie. It is for this reason that we must act more mindfully.


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