Let it flow


30 minutes mindfulness meditation practice is a great way to start the day. On some days, I’ll start with 30mins of yoga, which I do by myself and then follow with meditation right after. Not only is this the best way to begin the day full of serenity but you instantly notice how clear your mind is.

Surprisingly, whatever pending issue may have been on your mind the day before clears out. I also frequently find the answer to pending questions. Interestingly, we often find ourselves stuck with some decision to make, a question to answer, a problem to resolve whether that maybe “Should I change my job?”, “What if I don’t get the results I want?”, “What if nobody likes me?”, “I need to make sure the answer is well formulated” and so on.  We tend to put such a mental effort into things at times that what we inadvertently do is create a block.

After all, what we resist persists and what we let go flows.

Meditation is about becoming an observer of your state. It is not about thinking nor trying to empty your mind of thoughts. When we engage in attempting to push thoughts out of our mind, especially when we are stressedanxiousfeeling down or experiencing any other disturbance, we find those exact thoughts taking over and we become overwhelmed. So the process is not about judging yourself and your thoughts but quite on the contrary, becoming a non-judgmental observer.

How about trying to start with just 5mns a day? Just sit down with your back up right – focus on your breath and on the sounds around you without judgment. I would love to hear how you did and if you’ve been facing any difficulties. Do share your experiences! It really is the best way to learn and grow.


Flexibility of thought.


You Are What You Think